TWI has developed BeamAssureT, a quality assurance tool which helps to analyse electron beam parameters, giving an effective fingerprint of the beam and an independent monitor of beam characteristics. Engineered and supported by TWI, this product provides unrivalled confidence in
electron beam welding and processing performance to ensure product quality.
Electron beams are challenging to measure and calibrate due to their nature but BeamAssureT is able to capture relevant data, giving assurance of beam power, profile consistency and quality every time.
This tool enables monitoring of beam consistency and the detection of human error and thus leads to reduced scrap or rework rates. It provides a QA record for each assembly and has visual and numeric presentation of key process variables.
The BeamAssureT probe is installed at an UK aerospace production company, integrated with the welding machine. It has been running for over two years now, capturing 30,000 data sets and no issues have been reported.
The tool is suitable for use across all industry and research sectors.
For more information please visit the
BeamAssure™ website and
BeamAssure Live Video