The EWF/IIW Diploma in Welding graduation, on April 16 in Great Abington, Cambridge, was the second ceremony to be held to mark this challenging achievement. Chris Eady, Associate Director, Professional Affairs and Certification, PAG, gave a presentation on the value of the EWF/IIW within industry and the importance of gaining the qualification. He then congratulated all 16 students on their hard work and well deserved qualifications, and presented them individually with a plaque to commemorate their achievement.
The ceremony was followed by a photo session in the sunshine and a lunch with key personnel from TWI and CSWIP, which gave the graduates a fantastic chance to get together, share their experiences and network.
Candidates gave some excellent feedback, and thoroughly enjoyed the day. David Liptrot, an engineer who has worked in the oil and gas industry for over 23 years commented: 'This qualification has really distinguished me from other engineers and given me the opportunity to work in a more senior role, enhancing my career prospects. From a Quality Manager perspective, having the Diploma enables me to confidently interview candidates applying for Welding Engineer roles and to capably assess these candidates for suitability. Thank you for a lovely day, my wife and I have really enjoyed it, and it's good to speak to people in a relaxed environment. Please pass on my appreciation to all concerned.'
Mario Cordero-Cabrera, Corporate Materials and NDE Technology Head, said: 'Taking the IIW has provided some excellent networking opportunities and given me strong foundations in welding engineering. This in turn has allowed me to open up new areas of research and development for maritime applications. I am very proud to be here today, and the IIW Diploma in Welding has already been a benefit to my career.'
Stephan Marre, a Welding Engineer for Air Liquide Welding also commented: 'EWF has enabled me to meet incredible people with whom I have forged great links on both a professional and personal level. EWF has also allowed me to broaden my knowledge and has pushed me to continually develop as a Welding Engineer. This in turn has meant that I'm now more confident with regards to critical decision making and offering out-of-the-box innovative solutions.'
TWI now trains over 18,000 students each year in more than 70 countries around the world in welding, engineering, non-destructive testing and welding inspection. The EWF/IIW Diploma in Welding provides a crucial qualification for those individuals who will be responsible for welding operations within industry. It's an internationally recognised certification supported by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) and the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) for assessing the competence of tasks and responsibilities during welding coordination (BS EN ISO 14731). TWI has been running this course since 1993 and since then around 800 engineers have graduated along with 450 each of technologists and specialists.
For more information please email the training school, call on +44 (0)1223 899500 or email David Bage
Useful links:
EWF/IIW Diploma in Welding
CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector - Level 1
CSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspector - Level 2
CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector - Level 3
Further comments:
Robert Hadley, Assistant Manager Engineering Inspection. Port of Felixstowe. 'By attending the EWF course I now have the confidence to make informed decisions and judgements secure in the knowledge that I have been educated to the highest internationally recognised standards.'
Matthew Heyworth, The Weir Group. 'Training on the EWF has brought me much valued experience and thorough knowledge for which I hold in high regard all staff from TWI who have enabled and taught diploma sessions to which the IWT award has been achieved. The EWF accreditation gives me more confidence when approaching and being approached by clients when discussions are required regarding welding processes. I look forward to progressing onto the Advanced level and once again being part of the groups learning at TWI.'
Adam Storey, RWE Generation 'The Diploma helped me rapidly develop my knowledge of welding processes and standards, having had very little experience of industrial welding previously. The courses have also served as a clear development target for me over the last few years and been an important part of my Continuous Professional Development. Besides that, I've met some great characters and enjoyed some very good food at TWI!'
Dean Baker, Quality and Welding Co-ordinator, Severfield-Watson Structures Ltd 'The EWF has given me the knowledge and confidence to confront and discuss all manner of welding and NDT inspection issues with our clients from all over the world.'
Lee Hemsley, Welding Engineer, AKD engineering 'Gaining the qualification has allowed me to further my career and strengthen my position within the company, it also allows the company to demonstrate they have suitably qualified personnel holding internationally recognised qualifications.'
Iain Boyd, Welding Engineering Manager, Goodwin International Ltd 'I have been a Chartered Engineer for over 10 Years, but the EWE/IWE is proof to clients that I actually know what I am talking about. Sometimes during discussions they want proof of my welding knowledge which is now easily provided.'